Thursday, 8 November 2012

Cane once Again

Saturday November 24:

Night of the Cane

A little later this year, but good old-fashioned NotC returns, in Camberwell, at the Flying Dutchman.

I don't know Camberwell, well , well, but I think the transport and access is a little easier this year.

The English Mansion

See the 25 Dommes appearing in the Mansion's coming seasonal offer.

Wednesday, 15 August 2012



Film4 are holding the 13th anniversary of their FrightFest season August 15 - 27th.

Can I get this on the NHS?

If it's the thirteenth anniversary, does that mean fourteenth event?
Anyway, it's a bunch of horror films from old classics to . . . newer classics, including an incumbency at the Empire Leicester Square August 23rd - 27th.

Surprise -I like the trailer:

Post-Scriptum: I liked the (original) trailer - the link above is now dud (genius move, Channel 4; take a page away and replace it without a forwarding link): try this one. It's not the same though.

The actual trailer can still be found on YouTube.

Saturday, 9 June 2012

The Boat 2012 by The Firm

Saturday June 30th

One again the Firm's Boat (19) sets sail, enabling waterbourne pervery to flourish, bathed in the lights of Old London Town.

Details at Rubberslave.

Walk the Spank!