Sunday, 15 December 2013

Saturday, 7 December 2013

Thursday, 5 December 2013

To Miss or Not to Miss?

No question for the Torture Garden Xmas Ball: SOLD OUT.

Still hope for their NYE Eve Ball, on the 30th, though.

The Firm announce their Burns Night as 1st of February 2014.

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

SubVerting the Medium

On December the 14th SubVersion are holding their Christmas event: Cartoon Version.

Due to website problems ticketing is being done through the London Fetish Weekend site.

Monday, 25 November 2013

Rubber Cult December 2013

Here's a truncated version of the Rubber Cult graphic:

Saturday December 7th - just like it says on the tin.
(Full version here.)

And don't forget that the new Hood-Lovers site will be re-launched!

Friday, 22 November 2013

Rubber Cult Returns and Club R.U.B. Ressurect Hood-Lovers

The good people of Club R.U.B. are hosting Rubber Cult in December, on the seventh.

The event will also feature (apart from a lot of rubber) the re-launch of Hood-Lovers.

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Poirot in BDSM  shock?

The announcer on ITV3 introduced a Poirot story as featuring

"Poirot, the unshockable Master"

I always wondered what he and Hastings got up to in between cases!

Mind you, in last night's episode he said "Poirot does not wear costumes". No sense of fun, but Captain Hastings did look rather dashing as the Scarlet Pimpernel.

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Night of the Cane 2013

Saturday October 26th 7 am - 1 pm

As a post-script to the entry below (a posting-script?) The Firm's 2013 Night of the Cane is typically held on the weekend nearest to Bonfire Night. Except this year it's a week early.

(I assume that the Flying Dutchman had limited availability.)

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Sisters of Circe

As All Hallows Eve approaches I find that The English Mansion have an (almost) Hallowe'en themed movie:

The Sisters of Circe
The Sisters conteplate whether the barbeque is hot enough

Nothing like a spot of S&M alfresco to warm the blood on a cool evening

Actually it was filmed at midsummer (the date, not the murder capital of England), but in late October everyone enjoys a bonfire, don't they?

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Boat Tickets

As of today tickets for The Boat 20 can no longer be obtained from Joanna Lark.

Contact Ishmael if you wish to reserve some to collect at the pier.

I suppose similar applies to the post - if he doesn't send them out today/tomorrow, you won't get them in time.

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

The Boat 20

Saturday June 22nd

Sail before Steampunk!

The Firm's Boat 20 sets sail this month, galley slaves to get twenty lashes with the cat. (Unless the cat's off her milk.)

Details here.


Don't miss The Boat!


Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Farnborough Munch Cancelled

Due to venue closure for refurbishment the February Munch has been abandonned.

Shame it's not closed for refurnishing - I'm sure a rack or cage would be most welcome in March.

Thursday, 31 January 2013

Maid(s) Wanted At The Firm's Burn's Night

If you'd prefer to spend Saturday 2nd February in something more servile than a kilt, you may just be in luck.

There is an opening for:

A Maid

Two Maids

Three little Maids
(- no, that's a song)

If you have the time, the inclination (and a uniform) please contact Ishmael.

Of course, if it just happens to be a tartan uniform . . .

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Burns Night

The Firm's Annual Fetish Burns Night will soon be upon us, on Saturday Feb. 2nd

2013 Burns Night flyer with draped tawse

If haggis and a wee dram doesn't warm the cockles of your heart . . .

Monday, 7 January 2013

Strappy New Year

As we come to the end of The English Mansion's bonus double-update month, I notice a mistake on the promotional photo:

Shouldn't that say "We have a huge member for our pressies"?