Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Night of the Cane 2013

Saturday October 26th 7 am - 1 pm

As a post-script to the entry below (a posting-script?) The Firm's 2013 Night of the Cane is typically held on the weekend nearest to Bonfire Night. Except this year it's a week early.

(I assume that the Flying Dutchman had limited availability.)

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Sisters of Circe

As All Hallows Eve approaches I find that The English Mansion have an (almost) Hallowe'en themed movie:

The Sisters of Circe
The Sisters conteplate whether the barbeque is hot enough

Nothing like a spot of S&M alfresco to warm the blood on a cool evening

Actually it was filmed at midsummer (the date, not the murder capital of England), but in late October everyone enjoys a bonfire, don't they?