Wednesday, 29 October 2014

What Do Pervs Make? PRIZES!

Club R.U.B. Seventeenth Annual Rubber Awards 


Saturday November 8th 


Theme: Rubberwear suggested.


Thursday, 16 October 2014

Mistress Workshop

And another one: Saturday October 18th.

Short-notice I know, but a chance to re-air the graphic!

Night of the Cane


This year's NotC will be held on November 15.

Wednesday, 1 October 2014


Club R.U.B. are stalking the night* on October 11.

*Well, stalking a night. That's not even the same fortnight as Halloween.

Here's the full version of the flyer that was on Rubberslave, but isn't any more, click for the full-size view:

(Not quite the original - I changed the Victori-Anna bit.)