Presenting two shows, one for each year that the event is held in.
Spend the last hour of 2023 in Bizarre Latex, and the second hour of 2024 watching Balthazar the cat get tangled in a ball of . . . barbed wire.
Presenting two shows, one for each year that the event is held in.
Spend the last hour of 2023 in Bizarre Latex, and the second hour of 2024 watching Balthazar the cat get tangled in a ball of . . . barbed wire.
Christmas is coming, the girls are getting whacked . . .
More details and a jolly picture also available.
Well, Rubbloggerslave seems sorted out, time for my laptop to slip a cog.
Ooh, bang on time. I can't do a damn thing with files in File Explorer - like send them up to the site . . .
So if you've come from the Coming Events page, here's the missing Dublin Leather graphic:
Worth the visit? It's on the site now.
On Saturday 18th Maîtresse Lunatika commemorated the second anniversary of Trafick with two showpiece performances. Firstly 'Show Fouet' at ten o'clock in 'Zone BDSM' . . .
. . . followed by 'Show Fist' at midnight in 'Zone Sexe'.
I love the way the time says 'OOH'!
. . . and it's a sore point.
This Blog has returned to life (see below) having just missed out on Night of the Cane; the last Torture Gardens before December have sold out and the eighteenth is a hole.
. . . remains with us for a few more days of Her 2023 UK Tour. Hope this posting does too.
Once upon a time, or two (or was it three?) times I put up a posting, which, for reasons unknown and unsaid, vanished. Literally: I previewed one, posted it, and even checked it. Fine, it seemed.
Then I created the next one - and found that the previous one wasn't there. Honest Injun: it wasn't lurking within the drafts folder, or anywhere else.
Then a third one, which revealed the second one had also gone. And the third one followed.
Putting my analytical brain in gear I pondered the emerging pattern. And gave up.
Anyhoo, I thought I'd try it again and see if it's sorted itself out.
If you can read this, it has.