Sunday, 19 November 2023

Show Fouet & Show Fist

On Saturday 18th MaƮtresse Lunatika commemorated the second anniversary of Trafick with two showpiece performances. Firstly 'Show Fouet' at ten o'clock in 'Zone BDSM' . . .

. . . followed by 'Show Fist' at midnight in 'Zone Sexe'.

 I love the way the time says 'OOH'!

Sunday, 12 November 2023

Back in the Saddle

 . . . and it's a sore point.

This Blog has returned to life (see below) having just missed out on  Night of the Cane; the last Torture Gardens before December have sold out and the eighteenth is a hole.

 Lady Bellatrix

Like Kathy Burke in latex

. . . remains with us for a few more days of Her 2023 UK Tour. Hope this posting does too.

Monday, 6 November 2023

So Here I Am Once More . . .

Once upon a time, or two (or was it three?) times I put up a posting, which, for reasons unknown and unsaid, vanished. Literally: I previewed one, posted it, and even checked it. Fine, it seemed.

Then I created the next one - and found that the previous one wasn't there. Honest Injun: it wasn't lurking within the drafts folder, or anywhere else.

Then a third one, which revealed the second one had also gone. And the third one followed.

Putting my analytical brain in gear I pondered the emerging pattern. And gave up.

Guess Who's Back?

Anyhoo, I thought I'd try it again and see if it's sorted itself out.

If you can read this, it has.