Sunday 7 July 2024

Zara du Rose


Compound image from film still of woman and 'futuristic' text

Saturday 3rd August at Vauxhall in London: Few Tickets Remain

N.B. Event this event was moved from 1st June.

 They've made a video trailer for the event. It would make a great film! (See it bigger.)

Saturday 6 July 2024

Summer Lovin' Happened So . . . Wet?

 2 Kings Summer Spectacular

 Tuesday 16th July, 1pm

Blonde girl in short-legged rubber wetsuit

(I'd go for the one in the rubber suit . . .)

Rain won't stop play - it hardly matters if you get wet in (or out of) swimwear! More details available.

Of course it sold out, as always.