Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Something Wicked this way Dumbs

The other day a friend gave me a pair of dodgy DVDs by Wicked Planet. I forget the titles.

It listed on the cover "Special Features: *Animated Menus *Chapter Selections", which seems pretty lame. Is 'old hat' really even a feature these days, never mind a special one?

It goes on "*2 Full Length Films On 2 Separate Discs Combined Running Time 2 Hours Approx". I don't suppose I would've been more impressed by two films on one disc, since two hours is the native time of DVD, but somehow I'm still not sold on these 'features'.

There's more: "*Languages: English". Never really thought of English as languages. Region 1 accents on a region 2 disc, perhaps? Didn't Oscar Wilde describe England and America as two regions divided by a common language?

And finally "*Aspect Ratio: Full Screen". Doesn't really mean much - what if your full screen aspect ratio is different to mine: which one will you get?

I did skip through one disc at speed (hooray for chapter selections!). It seemed to be written by the guy who wrote the blurb on the cover, so I gave them back.

I'll stick to good old Science Fiction, Double Feature.

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